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Four challenges to address at Lisbon Energy Summit

The Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition brings to debate urgent central themes requiring global consensus. From 30 May to 1 June, policymakers, regulators, energy producers, investors, NGOs, and consumer stakeholders will gather in the Portuguese capital (FIL, Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre) to discuss the challenges and possible roadmaps that can help us accelerate transition while maintaining energy security and sustainability.

How do we balance energy security with net-zero targets? What is the role of liquid natural Gas (LNG) and gas in the world’s energy mix? What additional efforts are needed to accelerate decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors? How do we boost investment in energy strategic projects?

Critical to the world’s energetic future, these are four of the talking points which will be addressed during the energy sector’s leading annual gathering in Europe, searching for consensual pathways to meet energy security and sustainability. Get to know more about these four challenges and find out which paths will be mapped during the three days of the event.



Balancing energy security against net-zero targets

Climate goals call for green, but the world’s energy consumption data shows how important fossil energies remain. How can we accelerate this transition and achieve the ambitioned carbon neutrality? During the Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition, participants will get to know some of the most innovative low-carbon technologies being developed worldwide, as well as the most up-to-date solutions in the field of solar energy, wind power, biofuels, and hydrogen.

The role of hydrogen is discussed in a conference programme centred upon the relevance that hydrogen has in achieving the global climate goals – estimates suggest that the world hydrogen market will reach 230 billion dollars by 2030.

However, it does not suffice to just find energetic sustainable solutions that are innovative, efficient, and accessible. The actual geopolitical context brought forward the topic of energy safety. During the three days of the event, executives, regulator, politicians, and leaders of many quadrants will debate this critical matter, as well as other relevant international topics, such as the future risks of the interruption of oil supply.



Fuelling the energy transition, and the role of LNG & gas

Natural gas represents around a quarter of the EU’s overall energy consumption and according to European Commission liquified natural gas (LNG), imports between July and September 2022, surpassed the all-time annual record, registered in 2019.

LNG and gas play a critical role to meet European and global needs for reliable energy and it is considered a critical vector of energy security during the transition to a low-carbon economy. Moreover, carbon-neutral LNG is increasingly becoming a market and regulatory requirement, with growing pressures to reduce emissions, namely methane (the main component of natural gas), across the LNG supply chain.

The opportunities and challenges that appear in the gas and LNG players’ horizon will be debated at the Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition. Across various talks and panels, specialists will discuss how natural gas and LNG will continue to have a relevant role on the mix of the energy of the future.



Decarbonising of hard-to-abate sectors

Decarbonising the economy is one of today’s main challenges, especially for companies that operate in the transportation, mobility, and construction sectors. How to help the companies of heavy industries to accelerate the decarbonisation of their operations and accomplish their climate goals are discussions taking place at the Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition.

Despite the growing momentum behind carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) solutions, the numbers fall short to leverage emission reduction to a meaningful level.

In the European Union alone, between 300 and 640 megatons of CO2 must be captured and utilised or stored every year to meet the climate neutrality goal in 2050, according to the European Commission. Even if this estimate becomes reality, there is much more to be done to tackle residual carbon dioxide emissions and to decarbonise sectors and business models. Alternative solutions, such as green hydrogen, are urgently required and must enter the companies and sectors where decarbonisation will remain an issue.

During the Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition companies will be able to identify the technology partners that help them accelerate to new strategies and improve their resilience on this transition to a decarbonised economy. Attendees will hear from multinationals, over many conference panels, such as easyJet and Toyota, that are decarbonising their operations on their business models.



Mobilising investment to secure a low-carbon economy

Sustainability-themed investment products (sustainable funds and bonds) amounted to 5.2 trillion dollars in global financial markets, in 2021, a 63% increase on 2020. The estimate was advanced by UNCTAD – United Nations Conference for Trade and Development.

Along with financing and fiscal governmental support, the rise of sustainable finance has boosted investment in renewables, grids, and storage projects.

Still, there is still a long way to go on this field, since the acceleration of the use of renewable sources of energy to accomplish the defined climate goals requires a high volume of investment. Therefore, it is necessary to create new instruments and more attractive fiscal politics that allow us to obtain more capital for this critical sector.

The Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition will be a catalysing hub that will gather energy companies, investment banks (such as BlackRock) and investors to discuss not only which measures can be made to simplify and accelerate the renewable energy projects’ access to capital instruments but also to identify the main existing barriers of investment.

Be a part of the high-level debate about the challenges that the sector is facing and contribute to the redefinition of the energy transition.

Lisbon Energy Summit awaits you.


Book your place in the discussions and secure your delegate pass HERE.