Gabriel Sousa
Chief Executive Officer Floene
Gabriel Sousa is Chief Executive Officer of FLOENE ENERGIAS, S.A. since November 2016 and Chairman of the Boards of Directors of the 9 Subsidiary Distribution Companies.
In January 2013, joined FLOENE as Head of Third Party Access Management Area of Natural Gas Distribution and Member of the Boards of Directors of Distribution Companies.
With more than 25 years of experience in the natural gas sector, he began his activity as Head of Commercial Development of Lusitaniagás with the first steps of the natural gas project in Portugal, being appointed later as CEO in different Gas Distribution Companies.
Before entering the natural gas sector, Gabriel worked in the automotive and metallurgical industries as Commercial Manager and Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Manager.
Holds a Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Coimbra and an Executive MBA from AESE/IESE.
Board Member of the following European Associations – EUROGÁS and GD4S - Gas Distributors for Sustainability; Board Member of APEG – Portuguese Association of Natural Gas Companies and Member of the Distribution Committee of IGU - International Gas Union.