Gotzon Gomez Sarasola
Head of Spain & Portugal H2 Green Steel
Industrial Engineer from Tecnun - Universidad de Navarra and MBA from Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MCC)
Business executive, member of the H2GREENSTEEL AB project; specialized on high scale (>500 Mw) green H2 plants to decarbonize hard to abate industries (steel, fertilizers, ship, and air transport means etc).
Head of our Sunna Project in the Iberian Peninsula. A 1 Gw scale green H2 plant, fully sourced by renewable electricity and producing over 2,1 Mt/year of green HBI from a DRI. In this project, the H2 plant is a JV with Iberdrola, one of the biggest global renewable electricity producers. Iberdrola will source the project with renewable electricity, and we will jointly produce green H2 at a competitive cost to source a DRI, where we will reduce 3,1 Mt of Iron Ore, to obtain green iron and mixing it with scrap in an EAF, obtain green steel. This project will become a flagship and will be a benchmark for other steel mills to follow.
Managing Director and Member of the board of our subsidiary, H2GS IBERICA, S.L.
26 years of experience in the automotive sector and executive board member of different sector companies and subsidiaries. Deep knowledge of future technological trends in the automotive (truck, buses, cars) industry such as e-mobility vehicles, hybrids, alternative fuel combustion engines (HVO, CNG-LNG) and hydrogen fuel cell.
Managing Director of companies in Brazil and South Africa. Experience on opening new markets, teamworking with different culture people and implementing projects in different countries.
Website: https://www.h2greensteel.com/